A Neck Lift Surgery To Treat Loose Neck Fat

Some patients lose fat in their necks as they age, and others gain neck fat that simply hangs down in loose skin. If you are of the latter variety, there are options to help you restore your youthful appearance and your confidence.

Why a neck lift is the recommended procedure:

We don’t recommend lasers that claim to tighten the skin. Neck lift surgery, on the other hand, can redefine your neckline back to its natural state. If you have a neck with a little more skin than usual, liposuction might work. However, if there is an abundance of loose skin, obviously, the surgery will be more complex. A good surgeon can ensure that you look great post-surgery with no visible scars.

How can I become a good neck lift candidate?

You can make yourself a good candidate for cosmetic surgery by being in good physical health and following your surgeon’s instructions ahead of time and post-surgery. It’s also very important for the candidate to have realistic expectations. Cosmetic surgery can improve one specific part of your physical appearance.

In general, age does not determine whether or not the neck lift surgery will be done; it’s more about the patient’s bony anatomy. The best way to tell if you are a good candidate is to have a consultation with a cosmetic surgeon.

Should I expect any potential risks from neck lift cosmetic surgery?

Cosmetic surgery is considered “real” surgery and therefore involves some degree of risk. Complications are rare and most often correctable, but they can happen. You can minimize your risks and the potential for complications by adhering to the instructions given by your doctor. Additionally, prepare for your surgery, and take good care of yourself after the operation.

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