Chemical peels ultimately remove the top layer of skin, thus smoothing out fine wrinkles, decreasing discoloration and addressing pigmentation problems. Areas of wrinkly skin can also benefit from a peel or laser resurfacing procedure with the MOXI laser resulting in a shrink-wrap type of effect. Another option is the Total FX C02 skin resurfacaing laser. The Total FX C02 Laser consists of an Active FX laser and a Deep FX laser, and can address fine lines, hyperpigmentation, and skin texture.

Specifically, chemical peels help reduce and treat the appearance of dark spots and age spots.

The old skin that is peeled off within a few days leaves behind a newly rejuvenated healthier looking skin, which has underwent collagen regeneration and rearrangement. Chemical peels can also be used to treat under eye dark circles.


There are many types of acids used in chemical peeling, including but not limited to trichloroacetic acid (TCA) with various percentages, glycolic peels, phenol peels and jessner's peels. These peels run the gamut of light to very heavy deep peels. Depending on your skin type, skin thickness and coloring, a tailored chemical peel could be fashioned to meet your skin rejuvenation needs.


This procedure takes about one hour and is usually performed with sedation anesthesia, as well as local anesthetics. A few days later, the top layer of the peeled skin sloughs off, and the underlying skin must be lubricated with ointments or Vaseline.

At the end of a week, the skin is usually repaired (sometimes longer if a deeper penetrating peel is performed) and one should use sunblock regularly and avoid the sun when possible. Most patients may return to normal activities and work within one to two weeks.


Chemical peels can be performed in conjunction with other cosmetic surgical procedures. Chemical peels can be used in conjunction with facial fillers and other facial rejuvenation techniques for maximum desired results. 

Cosmetic surgery is also available to you through Dr. Robert Schwarcz, a board-certified oculofacial plastic surgeon in New York.

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